Reasons and Consequences of Self-Plagiarism in Dissertation Writing

Dissertation writing is a result of the author’s research and findings on the specific topic of the relevant field. This writing is considered to be a contribution to the relevant research field. It has to be significant enough to make it a worthful contribution. Plagiarism plays an important part in the dissertation writing process. Plagiarism occurs when you copy the same idea of someone else without rephrasing the sentences in your own words and without providing the reference or citation of the given idea. That is what exactly professional dissertation writing services providers do. Their professional dissertation writers are extensively experienced in paraphrasing while using the best own words explanation in the entire dissertation with citations.

What Is Self-Plagiarism?

Self-plagiarism is not about copying the idea of someone else. It occurs while using your own previously published idea. Therefore, it is highly recommended to provide the citation of your previously published information to avoid self-plagiarism. According to the U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services, data fragmentation is also considered a form of self-plagiarism. Data fragmentation is used to split the data into parts. This generates plagiarism when the previously published data is divided into several parts to be used for different publications. There are no exact answers to how one can reuse its previous written texts.

Forms of Self-Plagiarism

Self-plagiarism is further divided into two forms, completed self-plagiarism and segmented self-plagiarism.

  • Complete Self-Plagiarism
    In this part, students usually copy the informational data from their previous tasks. The only differences between the old and recent paper can be as follows,
    Change of the title page
    Changes in the sequence of the sources
    Minor changes in the text body, while other things remaining the same.
  • Segmented Self-Plagiarism

In segmented self-plagiarism, an author just takes the few numbers or ideas from the previous researches as the borrowing of material. Still, it is considered plagiarised if used without providing citation of the specific text.

Consequences of Self-Plagiarism

Plagiarism in content is treated as a serious offence against the law. It is totally illegal to use someone’s data to be used in your project. It doesn’t matter if it’s for academic purpose, it still is considered as an offence. Plagiarism in your content can result in a heavy fine in monetary forms. However, university student’s self-plagiarism is not as serious as conventional plagiarism. It is dependent on the instructor if they allow a segmented self-plagiarism to be used in your dissertation writing or not. If not, they have to experience the lower grades during the semester.

Research article writers for academic purposes have to face certain difficulties while practising the self-plagiarism in the writing process. This can delay the entire process of publication and can result in a monetary fine as well.

How to Avoid Self-Plagiarism in Your Dissertation

Self-plagiarism sometimes happens without the intentions of the writer. There are few preventive measures need to be taken while writing a dissertation,

  1. Avoid using your previous work for the new task. This always results in self-plagiarism in the dissertation writing process.
  2. Avoid using old dissertation templates.
  3. Try to use the relevant informational data in your dissertation.
  4. Don’t try to adjust old and irrelevant information.
  5. Try to approach new authentic and reliable informational sources.
  6. Try to understand the entire requirement of the provided task before approaching to the informational data.
  7. Search and segregate the required information.
  8. Thoroughly read the entire segregated information for the deep understanding of the subject, rather than approaching your old task.
  9. Consult your professor about the issues running in your mind.

Understandably, some tasks seem to be familiar, but they can be drafted in an all-new manner using new ideas with different ways of working.

Negative Impact of Self-Plagiarism On Dissertation

Self-plagiarism has a negative impact on the entire dissertation writing process. One of the main reasons to avoid self-plagiarism is to accomplish the objective of the research paper. Its objective is to contribute to the relevant field of research with new and improvised ideas. Using the old templates of your own work can never assist you to come up with innovative ideas. Self-plagiarism also affects the trust level of the readers for significant research articles.

It is important to use the citations for the previously used information to avoid the legal actions against the offence. There is a kind of liscence need to be approached to reuse the previous information for your entire dissertation writing paper.

Your plagiarised work can easily be caught by the journals. This can result in the delayed publication of your research paper or you can be blocked for further publications.


Self-plagiarism plays an important role in maintaining the quality of your dissertation. Following the above-discussed points can enable you to avoid self-plagiarism in your entire dissertation writing process. However, there are many other factors that require a professional dissertation help for the premium quality results of your dissertation.

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