How Does The Travel Blog Become Successful?

What a few generations ago didn’t even have a precise name is now the dream of many people. Life as a travel blogger attracts with pictures of exotic places, sunsets on the beach and promises unlimited freedom.

We wanted to know a little more precisely what is behind the facade and would like to introduce you to the most important points on the subject of “travel blogs. So if you want to start your own blog yourself, you’ve come to the right place!

It would be great to travel the world and share your experiences with others! This is exactly what many globetrotters thought and opened their blog. On an online platform, a so-called traveler blog or holiday blog, they report on their experiences and share important information with other travelers.

Tips Towards Success

You have the blog name, blog design, and good content. But the readers won’t come by themselves. The next step is sharing this content, which will hopefully make your blog a success.

You need traffic sources so that your target audience can find your content again and again. In addition to Google, all social networks are traffic sources and the newsletter. This is particularly important because it reaches readers directly in their mailbox. You should always rely on multiple traffic sources so as not to be dependent on one. Video portals on the Internet in particular are a very exciting way of interacting with your fan base and attracting more visitors to your travel blog.

You mustn’t forget that all of this takes time and that your blog won’t be successful overnight. But if you work for it, publish content regularly, have patience and believe in yourself, it is possible to start a successful blog.

  • Search Engine Optimization

Google search results are extremely important to get traffic. That is why you should inform yourself about SEO (search engine optimization). If you are successful in SEO, you also have the opportunity to enter the world of affiliate marketing.

  • Social Media

In addition, you should constantly maintain your social media presence and build a following there, as well as share your content. If you are ready to invest money in advertising, you can turn on a Facebook or Instagram ad.

But you can also build your network in real life by telling people you meet about your blog or meeting and collaborating with other bloggers.

  • Google Analytics

You should use Google Analytics to analyze your visitors. In this way, you get to know your target group better and you can create content that will appeal to them.

In general, it’s important to build a relationship with your readers, whether through Google Analytics, comments, or social media.

As colorful as the world is out there, so is the variety of travel bloggers. Some are looking for adventure on a budget, others prefer package tours, cruises, or trekking holidays – there is something for every taste! As soon as you as a blogger has found your niche (and thus a special target group), you can get started on your next vacation.

A little organization is usually required, especially before long trips. Where should it go? Backpack or suitcase? What’s the best credit card to use when traveling? What equipment do I need? Many blogs offer packing lists that should make it easier for their readers to choose and at the same time inspire more minimalism.

So a blog is not just an arbitrary collection of travel experiences – on the contrary! You inspire people. You help them be brave and start their own journey. In the best-case scenario, you will even earn money with it.

Paid blog providers give you more freedom in design. You can change a purchased design as you like, paid hosting cannot display unwanted advertising on your blog. This gives you more independence and gives control over every detail of your blog.

How Do I Earn My Money As A Travel Blogger?

A blog alone doesn’t make any money. As a travel blogger, you have to work out various sources of money. One of them is advertising. Many bloggers work with different companies and test, for example, their products, which they present in their blogs or on social media. Cooperation with tourism offices, tour operators, airlines, and hotels is also possible.

Affiliate links are another possibility. These are links that refer to other websites. If the visitor buys something on these websites, as a blogger you will receive a small commission. In this way, a passive income can be built up over time.

Other travel bloggers write books or give lectures. The blog can act like a business card that opens further doors. Clients see that you can write texts and handle films and photos. Texts can also bring you some money.

How Much Do I Really Travel As A Travel Blogger?

That too differs from travel blogger to travel blogger. Some spend a large part of the year traveling and are constantly on the move. Others travel a good four months a year and spend the rest of the year, where they work on their blogs. There is no concrete answer to this question.

How Can I Use My Talents For My Travel Blog?

Not all travel blogs are the same. Before you start working on the blog, you should first consider what your strengths are. Are you especially skilled with the video camera and are you also good at cutting and editing? In this case, it might be worth considering moving the travel blog to YouTube.

Perhaps your talent also lies in writing texts. In this case, a classic travel blog with reports is more suitable. Skilled photographers can upload their pictures to Instagram or their own blog. Do you know anything about web design? Great, create an appealing website for you! Other travel bloggers are particularly adept at getting high reach through social media. Your strengths determine your focus and thus your path to success.

Technology For Travel Bloggers: The Basic Equipment

If you want to become a travel blogger, you need at least a working laptop with internet access. Depending on the purpose, it should also be suitable for photo and video editing and not weigh too much. An external hard drive is an advantage for data backup and fits in (almost) every backpack.

If you don’t have your website yet, you should also register a domain and give your page a suitable design. The WordPress software is particularly suitable for this because it offers ready-made website templates and these can (mostly) be modified as you wish.

Templates are design templates and therefore decisive for the appearance of your site. Both WordPress and third-party providers have libraries with different templates on offer. Some designs (so-called premium themes) can cost up to 50 euros, but offer infinite editing options and more leeway.

An idea seldom comes up alone. Maybe after a while, you would like to add a podcast to your travel blog? Then you need additional equipment such as a microphone and headphones. A project grows with the challenges and so the technical equipment expands as required.

What Is Especially Important To Become A Successful Travel Blogger?

As a travel blogger, you should have a few qualities that will help your blog become successful.

  • Passion

The blog cannot succeed without a passion for travel. A successful travel blog takes a lot of care and love to really thrive.

  • Niche

As with the naming, your orientation and target group are decisive here. What would you be interested in If you know your audience well, you can focus more specifically on specific topics and thus gain more regular readers who identify with you. In the best-case scenario, you will make it into the top 10 in your niche.

The step into self-employment as a blogger is often a bit daunting. If you don’t feel ready to quit your secure job just yet, start with small steps. Most blogs started as a hobby because the bloggers simply had a lot of fun writing – and this passion can also be felt! The money then came by itself, so to speak.

  • Patience

It can take years before the work is worthwhile and the blog pays off. Many bloggers give up quickly without staying in power.

  • Networking

Cooperation partners enable you to make advertising deals or act as sponsors. They can offer you exclusive content that will make your blog special.

  • Believe In You

Have you dreamed of publishing your cool travel blog for so long? Then just dare! Believe in yourself, be authentic, find people on the same wavelength and with a little luck and discipline, you will make it to the most popular blogs! The most important thing about it: Do it with pleasure (and explain to your uncle how this work works)

  • Credibility

Successful travel bloggers turn down most promotional offers. Sounds paradoxical, but it gives them credibility. They only recommend what they are convinced of.

Are There Any Disadvantages As A Travel Blogger?

Of course, a dream job also has its downsides. Travel becomes work. It has nothing to do with a normal vacation. Flying from one travel destination to another can even become stressful. As soon as you are back home, you are already planning your next trip. Then there are the common stress factors that such a trip brings with it: the weather, poor infrastructure, the wrong hotel, food that you cannot tolerate. And all of this in the running belt.

As a freelancer, you can never really know how good your order book will be. Some months will be better than others. This makes it difficult to plan. And if the blog doesn’t go so well, you’ll have to do without it. Some bloggers do not have their apartment or their own car, and they can afford the little luxury to finance their next trip. They become digital nomads, constantly on the move and only really at home on the Internet.

As a freelancer, you also have to take care of everything yourself: write texts, take photos and films, edit, design your website. No one can do that for you, planning your trip, booking hotels and flights. Marketing and customer acquisition are also up to you. If you want to get support, you have to pay for it.


Well-written texts are not everything if nobody can find them. With the currently large number of travel blogs, marketing and positioning in Google are extremely important. SEO (search engine optimization) can lead to higher visitor numbers with the targeted use of keywords and well-placed headings. Paid partnerships can also help you reach more readers. You might find a number of services providing UK dissertation help. These services also provide editing and proofreading services and even do SEO optimization. One can always approach such professionals and take their assistance.
